Sapphic Stories

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Hi there!

Hi there!
Im Spelly, a 26 year old nut from London, UK.
I write for the love of writing. I started one day when I was bored and I had always wondered about the end of the episode 'Entropy' and so I decided to write what I thought happened after the credits rolled up, the rest as they say is history!
I live on the outskirts of london, with an 80s obsessed cockatiel and 2 black cats.


Spellys Stories

All the stories contained on these pages are copyright of their authors. All the fics contained here are written purely for our love of writing and no profit is being made from them.
We are in no way affiliated with Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, 20th Century Fox or any others with a finger in the Buffy pie. All images are used purely for the prettiness and no copywrite infringement is intended.
If you are the owner of any images contained herein, please contact us with incontestable proof and we will remove them with our sincerest apologies.